
Monthly Review: April

Well, April zoomed by! Whilst I know that most of the world had a sh** April, it marked a pretty good month for us here in China. Our world opened up once more, and by the end of it even the restaurants reopened! To celebrate, we went out for a BBQ (one of my most… Continue reading Monthly Review: April


My Top 8 Most Read Authors!

We all have our favourite authors. Authors that we come back to time and time again. Authors we turn to when times are rough. Or even authors of whom we have wonderful, lasting memories. Actually, I don't have many authors like this... for some reason I gravitate towards trying new authors. Still, there are a… Continue reading My Top 8 Most Read Authors!


Cosy Reads Recommendations!

Over the last two months I've been mentioning the spread of Covid-19 through China, which is where I currently reside. I spent nearly two months mostly shut in my apartment, which has been tough, but necessary. Now China is seeing a huge decrease in cases, and we have returned to work two days a week.… Continue reading Cosy Reads Recommendations!


February Monthly Review!

February gave us a whole extra day to read this year thanks to it being Leap Year, and I read so much compared to usual! Again, I’ve been holed up in my apartment due to the quarantine measures in place to stop the spread of Covid-19, with little to do except general household cleaning and… Continue reading February Monthly Review!


January Monthly Review

Yes, it’s February. Late into February too. Nevertheless, here are all the books that I read in the month of January, 2020! Due to being stuck at home for the second half of the month, I read quite a bit more than is usual for me! 10 books in total, which is a smashing way… Continue reading January Monthly Review


Mini Reviews: Summer Romance Fiction

I LOVE this genre. It’s not often that I read it, but when I do I feel happy and full of that delicious fuzziness that comes with having read something that just fills your heart with joy and love. As you may know, I’m currently trying to work my way through some of the Booker… Continue reading Mini Reviews: Summer Romance Fiction